Most companies big or small can benefit from participating in community events, festivals, charity events, trade shows or industry specific events and engagements. One of the toughest parts of getting involved is the high initial investment and obtaining a decent return on investment. Inflatable Arch made finding the sponsor very easy for this massive crowd – The best way to get a return on your dollar is to effectively promote your brand and generate new leads…
Read MoreYou have one more week to like your favorite inflatable arch picture. If you are in the running, make sure to share the contest on all social media platforms. When sharing, make sure your online community knows that you are a part of the contest and show appreciation for any help. In addition to asking for a like, anyone who shares the contest to their page will help reach a greater audience. Voting ends June 30th. The link to the contest…
Read MoreLooking for unique ways to promote your radio station this summer? No matter your budget, reach out to Boulder Blimp Company today if you need a WOW factor at your next event. Pop Up Tents and Signage Our pop up tents are high quality, UV protected and we have great pricing for a fully printed canopy. You can print multiple logos, URL’s/Script and color(s). Pop up Tents work great if you have multiple stations or sponsors. Inflatable Costumes or Billboards…
Read MoreWhen it comes to impressing your clients inflatables are a great alternative to traditional advertising and marketing. The cost is low comparatively and inflatables can be used well beyond a one time activation or campaign. We work with Marketing Agencies to help them put together plans and proposals and can help show that you have gone the extra mile for your clients and often help win projects and also help come in under budget since we offer agency pricing and…
Read MoreIt’s getting to that time of year where it is warming up and outside events are taking place. In the past couple weeks we have received the following pictures of Boulder Blimp Company Inflatables in action. This is the second inflatable Cow we have made for Valley Queen. This past year, they adjusted their branding and you can see their newly branded mascot showcased at a local track and field event. Kansas State reached out to us in hopes of…
Read MoreHere at Boulder Blimp we can help with projects big and small. We specialize in everything from start and finish arches, inflatable cans and bottles, mascots, restaurant inflatables as well as the occasional off the wall (sorry had to do it) projects like this project we did for the Colorado Department of Transportation and their Beware of the Belt-less campaign. This project involved multiple teams, Installers, tight deadlines and city permits. We were able to keep the project moving, production…
Read MoreAs March is quickly coming to an end, we have loved being able to extend the best inflatable arch pricing of the year! Don’t worry, if you haven’t capitalized on our Arch Madness pricing, you still have time. Pricing is effective through March 31st. Reach out to an account executive via our contact us link on our homepage or give us a call today! March will be over before you know it! Through out the month, we have also been preparing…
Read MoreBeing successful in this industry since 1980, we are happy to report that Inflatable Advertising is as popular today as it was over 35 years ago. Top reasons you should consider inflatables in 2017: Portability Inflatables are shipped and transported from event to event around the country. They pack into a container or carrying bag and can be stored in a small space or shipped to another event. Being able to choose the event, your message and audience is an…
Read MoreIt may not feel like it when you step outside but Spring and Summer are right around the corner! Every year we have to tell someone they waited too long and there is not enough time to get them their inflatable for the event. The client then has to scramble to find some other type of display or signage and it never has the same impact. Our typical turnaround is about 5-6 week from the time we receive your…
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