Boulder Blimp Co. Inflatables in the News

From giant fast-food corporations to local fire stations, Boulder Blimp Co has worked with companies and brands of all sizes all around the country.  We have collaborated with our clients to make inflatables of all shapes and sizes to help inflate their brand awareness and business!

Below are a few examples of our work that has ended up in the news!

Boulder Blimp Co is a Proud Partner of Girls on the Run

Girls on the Run is a nationwide nonprofit organization whose main goal is to “enhance participants’ social, emotional, and physical skills to successfully navigate life experiences”.  Boulder Blimp Co is lucky to be a proud partner of Girls on the Run.  We have worked with many chapters of the amazing nonprofit organization to create various custom inflatables and promotional products.  These items have been used at multiple chapter events throughout the years, including their 5k events. 

Fall 23 5k start with Tri City custom inflatable arch
Custom Inflatable Archway for Girls on the Run 5k
“More than 700 girls and running buddies celebrated the fall season of Girls on the Run on Sunday afternoon at Salisbury Community Park” – Girls on the Run Celebrates Fall Season , Salisbury Post

See more examples of our Girls on the Run inflatables on our website and see more pictures of the inflatable arch we made for Salisbury in David Freeze’s Salisbury Post article Girls on the Run Celebrates Fall Season.

Put the Fun in Fire Education with an Inflatable Fire Education House

One of Boulder Blimp Co’s hottest inflatables is the Original Inflatable Fire Education House.  This bespoke inflatable makes teaching fire safety fun and interactive!  We have worked with many fire departments and other local organizations to design and manufacture Inflatable Fire Education Houses for their departments.  These can be made in different colors and have lots of room for custom signage.

Tifton Fire Department Inflatable Fire Education House
Tifton Fire Department Inflatable Fire Education House

Recently, we created an inflatable firehouse for the Clearview Fire Department.  The funding for the Inflatable Fire Education House was graciously donated by the Stayner Lions Club.  We worked with both organizations to design the inflatable fire house to show off the branding of the Clearview Township Fire Department as well as acknowledge the donation from the Stayner Lions Club.

” The 20-by-12 foot accessible blow-up structure is intended to teach kids about fire safety…. Using the house, firefighters can review the importance of creating a home escape plan and having a meeting point outside the house in the event of a fire emergency. There’s also a fog machine to mimic smoke conditions..” – Clearview Fire Department gets Inflatable Safety House Thanks to Sayner Lions. Ian Adams.

Learn more about our Inflatable Fire Education Houses on our website and read about how the inflatable is helping the Clearview Fire Department educate the community in Ian Adam’s article written for The Sun. 

Long Beach Airport Celebrates 100 Years with a Giant Inflatable Logo

In November 2023 Long Beach Airport, located in California, celebrated 100 years! 

” Long Beach Airport has been an integral part of our City’s history and identity” said Long Beach Mayor, Rex Richardson, “Over the past 100 years, it’s played a vital role in connecting our community to the world, fostering economic growth and serving as a source of inspiration for pioneering aviation enthusiasts” – Long Beach Airport Launches Yearlong Centennial Celebration, Kate Kuykendall

To celebrate the centennial anniversary of the oldest municipal airport in California, the city of Long Beach has a year-long celebration that honors the history of aviation and the airport.  To add to the celebrations Boulder Blimp Co. created a giant inflatable logo block.

Inflatable Logo
Inflatable Logo for Long Beach Airport 100 Years

Boulder Blimp Co has made inflatable logos for companies and brands all over the country.  These logo blocks have been different shapes and sizes.  Check out more examples of inflatable logo blocks on our website and read more about the centennial celebration of Long Beach airport in Kate Kuykendall’s article for

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Ready to work with Boulder Blimp Co and bring your own inflatable to life?  Email us today at