Advertising Inflatables to Launch Your New Product

Giant Inflatables

Advertising inflatables are among some of the most effective inflatable marketing tools for both small businesses and major brands. We are continuing our series of articles highlighting different types of advertising inflatables that are commonly used in product launches.  Our previous article covered inflatable replicas and inflatable characters.  Today, we will look at two more…

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Giant Inflatables for Product Launches

Giant Inflatables

Do you work for or with a business that produces products?  If so, this next series of articles are right up your alley as we discuss the different types of advertising inflatables used to help generate excitement and engagement as you launch your products. Product launches can include everything from in-store demos to large scale…

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Giant Inflatables for Your Next Marathon or Race

Giant Inflatables for Your Next Marathon or Race

We are continuing our series of articles highlighting different types of giant inflatables that can be used for your next marathon, race, walk, or cycling event. Our previous article discussed how inflatable arches and inflatable logos can be incorporated to engage participants at your next event. Today, we will look at two more types of…

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Engaging Participants with Giant Inflatables

Engaging Participants with Giant Inflatables

We have been discussing how different types of giant inflatables can be incorporated into marathons, races, walks, and cycling events. Our previous articles discussed some ways inflatable arches, inflatable logos, inflatable characters, and inflatable replicas can be integrated to engage participants.  Today, we will look at two additional types of giant inflatables ideal for this…

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Ready, Set, Go…With Custom Advertising Inflatables

Go With Custom Advertising Inflatables

Participants in walks, marathons, cycling events, and other fundraising or athletic races have become accustomed to bright, vibrant, custom advertising inflatables to welcome them, engage them, and even cheer them across the finish line. Boulder Blimp has worked with numerous organizations to develop inflatable marketing tools to help make their event the talk of the…

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More Custom Advertising Inflatables to Consider for Your Business

More Custom Advertising Inflatables to Consider for Your Business

Savvy marketing professionals continually seek new ways to help make their brands stand out. One way to help boost your business is to incorporate various types of custom advertising inflatables into your overall marketing strategy. We are continuing our series covering different types of custom advertising inflatables for your business. Our previous article covered inflatable…

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Consider These Custom Advertising Inflatables for Your Business

Consider These Custom Advertising Inflatables

We are continuing our series of articles highlighting some of the different inflatable marketing tools you may want to consider to help market your business or brand in the upcoming year.  Our previous article covered inflatable replicas and inflatable characters. Let’s take a look at a few more: Inflatable Arches If you are planning a…

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Custom Advertising Inflatables to Consider in the Upcoming Year

Custom Advertising Inflatables

As we prepare to usher in a new year, we thought we would take time to highlight some of the different types of custom advertising inflatables you may want to consider incorporating into your overall marketing plan for the upcoming year. Let’s take a look: Inflatable Replicas Inflatable replicas ensure your brand stands out in…

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