Event Inflatables: Adults Can Have Fun, Too!

giant custom inflatables

Part One

When most people think of giant custom inflatables, children laughing and having fun often come to mind. Event inflatables aren’t just for kids, adults can enjoy them, too! In fact, many of the giant custom inflatables we create are for events geared toward adults. Our next series of articles will discuss some of the most popular event inflatables for adults.

Event Customized Inflatable

We can create just about any type of event customized inflatable you can imagine. Inflatable costumes, inflatable cash machines, inflatable tunnels and inflatable booths are among the giant custom inflatables that are extremely popular with adults. Boulder Blimp is located in the heart of the cannabis industry so we are also an expert in producing event inflatables for CBD/Cannabis enterprises.

Inflatable Archway

An inflatable archway is not only unique and fun, but it is the perfect way to help your participants and guests feel like they are making a grand entrance. We can customize your inflatable archway to complement your brand and even include your sponsors.


Directional signage should be fun and noticeable. Boulder Blimp develops creative and eye-catching event customized inflatable waypoints to ensure your participants/guests can get where they want to go without getting lost.

Part two of our series will cover more event inflatables that appeal to adults including inflatable tents and pavilions, inflatable characters, inflatable bottles and inflatable product replicas. Are you considering adding advertising inflatables to your marketing strategy? If so, the experts at Boulder Blimp are here to help. We will sit down with you, discuss your goals, and present the event customized inflatable options we feel will work best for your company or organization. Give us a call today!