Giant Custom Inflatables for Non-Profit Organizations

giant custom inflatables

Non-profit organizations are beginning to see an incredible return-on-investment (ROI) with giant custom inflatables.  The challenge for many non-profit organizations is finding innovative ways to communicate their mission and reinforce their brand. Traditional advertising – even at non-profit rates – can be costly and is not long lasting. A custom advertising inflatable, on the other hand, can make a small investment go a long way.

Let’s take a look at some reasons why giant custom inflatables make sense for non-profit organizations:


Giant custom inflatables are affordable and can be used over and over again.  Let’s say your non-profit organization has a recognizable inflatable character or inflatable logo that you want to be able to bring to special events.  Those same event inflatables could also be used for press conferences and open houses. Best of all, giant custom inflatables are easy to set-up, transport and take down.


Giant custom inflatables, including inflatable characters, inflatable bottles and event inflatables are engaging, memorable and attract attention. 

Sponsor Recognition

Turn your event customized inflatable into a money making machine by offering high end sponsors the opportunity to display their logo on your event inflatables and/or hang their banner from your inflatable archway.  The possibilities are endless!

Boulder Blimp works with non-profit organizations throughout the United States to help bring awareness to their mission and brand.  Whether you need an event customized inflatable, inflatable archway, inflatable character or inflatable replicas (i.e. inflatable bottles), we can help!  Give us a call to get started on your custom advertising inflatable strategy today!