How Can Inflatable Advertising Help My Non-Profit?

Inflatable advertising is utilized by non-profit organizations throughout the country. Inflatable marketing tools are affordable, engaging, effective and can be used at a variety of different indoor and outdoor events. Our next series of articles will explore some ways inflatable advertising can benefit your non-profit organization.
Increased Visibility
Inflatable advertising is a great way to increase foot traffic at events. Placing a custom inflatable in a high-traffic area attracts attention and “breaks the ice” to get people talking. Additionally, inflatable marketing tools are memorable, so event participants have a greater likelihood of recalling your non-profit and its mission after the event has concluded.
Enhanced Awareness of Your Mission
Inflatable advertising is a great way to increase awareness of your cause and/or mission. Inflatable replicas, inflatable arches, inflatable characters, etc. engage and draw people in so you can explain your mission and generate interest in your cause. Remember, you want to have a representative from your non-profit organization available to discuss your mission and answer questions from participants.
Our next article will discuss more ways inflatable advertising can benefit your non-profit organization.
Boulder Blimp has been partnering with non-profit organizations, companies, sports teams, etc. to develop effective inflatable marketing tools to promote their mission and brand. Some of our most popular custom inflatables include inflatable characters, inflatable arches, and inflatable replicas. If you are ready to take your business to the next level, then give us a call to talk with one of our inflatable marketing specialists today.